A Blog About All Things Delicious

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Magic Eraser Sponge

If you're at all like me, you tend to watch commercials for cleaning products thinking "yeah right.  I don't believe it really cleans that much better."  But let me tell you the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Cleaning Sponge really is THAT awesome. 

We used to live in this 100-year OLD apartment in San Francisco, and I think the porcelain tub might have been original.  Needless to say, it was super porous and when we moved in, we scrubbed it with every cleaning supply we could think of, including bleach.  But it just seem to have a permanent light brown stain on the inside.

One day a friend recommended these sponges, so we gave them a whirl.  No kidding, you could literally see it wiping the stain off, without any cleaner.  FOR RIZZLE.  I'm not quite sure what the sponge is made of, but boy does it work. 

Friday, June 4, 2010

FaveRed Starbursts

I'm eating a package of original starbusts.  "Mmm, pink.  Yummy".  Next up, "Red. Delicious". Next, "Yellow! Oh Bummer.  I guess I'll hurry and eat it to get to another red. Next, orange. BAH."

Who else thinks this...be honest. Everyone? 

But good news, Starbusts now come in all reds and pinks.  Wow, the candy gods are smiling on me today (and my friend Katie who told me about them). :) 

Here's to road trips that are even more awesome now!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Say Goodbye to Racoon Eyes

Alright, sometimes I don't wash my makeup off before I go to bed at night.  I know - just add it to my list.  But let's be honest, I'm sure plenty of you miss occasionally too.  Or even if you are a faithful face-washer, sometimes you're mascara smudges, or flakes off toward the end of the day.  Good night!!  What would I do without mascara, but really, it makes me look nastified about 25% of the time as well.

To the point, my sister found the coolest mascara that, I swear on top old smokey, does NOT EVER give you raccoon eyes.  No smudging, flaking, sliding off your eyelashes etc.  It's BLINC masacara.

As demonstrated in the diagram above, the mascara forms these tubes around your eyelashes.  Then, when you wash your face, the whole tube comes off in one piece.  It's the craziest, coolest thing I've ever put on my face.  And, because it creates just one piece, it doesn't smear or smudge like regular tar-ish mascara.  The only draw back - it doesn't give you as much fullness as, say, Diorshow (which wins 2nd best).  But in order to avoid a 5-o'clock shadow under my eyes, I say this stuff is worth it.  

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Modern Family

I was having a hard time coming up with something to write about, then I realized, I've been telling everyone and everyone's friends to watch this TV show.  Hello!!!  Watch Modern Family.

Now, a lot of shows have been funny.  Seinfeld...a classic.  Friends...funny until about 9th grade then it got lame.  Cheers...oh, back when I was 6 I thought it was funny but really I didn't have a clue.  But this show, I honestly just about wet my pants every time I watch it.  I'm not kidding - you'll love it!

Clever dialogue from one of the latest episodes:

Claire: You think I smother our children?
Phil: It's not your fault honey, "Mother" is part of the word.  You never hear of anyone being "sfathered" to death.

Here's the link to my favorite episode: http://abc.go.com/watch/modern-family/235331/250150/moon-landing?cid=fullepisodeaccess

Monday, April 12, 2010

Bead Board BLISS

Has anyone ever put up bead board in their house?  It's quite charming, so yes, we put it up in our rental apartment.  (Don't tell the landlord).  I LOVED it...once it was completed.  

BUT, putting it up was maybe the biggest nightmare of my home improvement existence.  The board  comes in these huge, maybe 7x10 ft, rigid, press-board sheets.  (See a sample cut piece below).

Not only do you have to know the exact measurements of the walls you want to put it on, but you also have to figure out how many pieces of the board you need, what dimensions to cut it, if you can match up the seams on the board, if you have a car big enough to take the pieces home, if the piece you have is big enough or if you have to buy a whole seperate piece just to make the seams match, what you are going to use to attach it to the wall, and on and on and on!!  Since my mom has helped put this up in about 3 different houses now, she informed all of us kids that she is completely DONE with bead board.  She reached her quota -- too bad for me.

Well, I came across a sweet-sauce idea - solving all my bead board nightmares.  It's bead board wallpaper!!!!!!

So easy to cut and measure. So easy to attach.  So easy to transport.  It's got the groove texture like real bead board. And you can even paint it.  Holy Beejees this stuff is cool.

Confession: since I am now living in another rental, I haven't actually used it yet, but once we buy a new place (hopefully soon), come see it - I'm sure to use this stuff.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Excercise Happy

You know how you always hear "People post WAY too much personal stuff on the internet.  That's really going to bite them in the rear one day".  Well this is potentially one of those posts.  Nice, right?  Does it make it better if you know you are over-sharing?

Okay, it's not THAT bad.  But I can just imagine a college boyfriend reading this and saying "nice (hmpf)", and then me feeling again like crawling in that hole in my backyard.


My friend helped me find the BEST sports bra ever.  I know not all women need a little help up top, but if you are at all like me, this thing will revolutionize your exercise experience.  It's Lululemon's Flow Y Bra IV.

Why is it so awesome?
  1. Creates great shape.  
    • Let's be honest, sometimes exercise gear has a certain "smashing" quality. But not this one - it has a certain "shape creating" quality.
  2. SOFT, but not like t-shirt cotton, yucky when sweaty, soft.
  3. It's darling and it comes in lots of different colors.
Here's the link: http://shop.lululemon.com/Flow_Y_Bra_IV/pd/c/520/np/520/p/1226.html

Happy exercising!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cranky Pants

First off, love my baby girl.  Second off, she's cranky. :)

Okay, not ALL the time, but she did go through a very "passionate" phase.  Many times during her episodes, I almost dug a hole in the backyard and hid in it.

Luckily I found something to make me laugh - or at least make me feel better because EVERY time she wears them, people come across the playground, or store, or Five Guys (ode to my husband), to ask me about them.  So now when she's cranky, I just throw the pants on and embrace it.  Granted, they are pricey, but I figured it was better than becoming a cave woman.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What is Deliciousness?

Once in a while, we find something that we just love.  When not forced to think of work, or being a parent, or ..., we find our mind meandering around these things.  

For me, the first time I found something like this, I was a mangy 10-year-old running to the ice cream shop.  I was one of those girls that pulled my clothes out of the dirty-clothes hamper, and ran out the door without even brushing my hair -- honestly.  My husband thinks I look more like a boy in my 3rd grade pictures than he did.  Of course I don't remember what I was wearing or if I brushed my hair that particular day, but I do remember getting a cone filled with a chocolaty, nutty, rapidly melting flavor - Burnt Almond Fudge.  Man was it DELICIOUS.  To this day I subconsciously look for the flavor EVERY time I go to the grocery store, the ice cream store, or any other store that sells ice cream.  Unfortunately, I NEVER find it.  Does anyone know a good place? 

Anyway, that's what this blog is about...things that are so "delicious" I find myself thinking about them months, even years later as I'm randomly driving in the car.  I hope you enjoy my chronicle of lovely things.