A Blog About All Things Delicious

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cranky Pants

First off, love my baby girl.  Second off, she's cranky. :)

Okay, not ALL the time, but she did go through a very "passionate" phase.  Many times during her episodes, I almost dug a hole in the backyard and hid in it.

Luckily I found something to make me laugh - or at least make me feel better because EVERY time she wears them, people come across the playground, or store, or Five Guys (ode to my husband), to ask me about them.  So now when she's cranky, I just throw the pants on and embrace it.  Granted, they are pricey, but I figured it was better than becoming a cave woman.



  1. I totally always call Becca a Cranky Pants when she is being a brat! I wonder if she is old enough to get the joke and object?

  2. I'm excited to see what comes out on this blog. I love those little pants!

  3. do they make these for little boys? ... pretty funny :)
